32 output tracks, both in between, it's perfect. No sound card in the computer, this is the thing that makes the DM4800. And made it! Despite the video, the hundreds of clips and effects, and surround, the occupation of proc not Exceeds 60%. I t obliged to buy a powerful machine (Dell Precision quad-core) to hold the shock. I attacked directly with a big project: soundtrack of a drawing anim 10 minutes, 5.1 ct very rich atmospheres and sound effects. Crashes everywhere with 8.0x versions, much better since the SHIFT 8.3. In passing mention for Cdric, the type of paper France, which responds quickly and well. The Gnrale config is simple to operate by Sonar with Tascam DM4800 o l I galr a little. Installation without problem, it is long because it takes enchaner DVDs, but at the same time it is a product of the asset: the wealth dlirante everything that comes with (Samples, plugins etc).